15% Off Our Rooms at M Boutique Ipoh
M Boutique Ipoh is announcing another new Super Saver for all our Friends and Readers! Get our latest promotions for the Month of August, M Boutique Ipoh is offering 15%…
M Boutique Ipoh is announcing another new Super Saver for all our Friends and Readers! Get our latest promotions for the Month of August, M Boutique Ipoh is offering 15%…
Yes! M Boutique Ipoh and M Boutique Station 18 is now offering Weekday Super Savers for all Registered businesses (Corporates) in Malaysia. How much you ask? RM138.00 Nett and RM168.00…
The M Boutique Family would like to take this opportunity, as the sun begins to rise, to wish all our readers and friends, “Salam Ramadan Mubarak”. Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa. Semoga kita selalu diberkati dibulan yang penuh mahrifah ini amin. Mohon dimaafkan segala kesalahan-kesalahan saya, Marhaban Ya Ramadhan 1436 Hijriah Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa.